Vahe Caliskan
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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851 S. Morgan St, MC 154, Chicago, IL 60607
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Research Interests
- Power electronics
- Analog circuit design
- Automotive electronics
- Computer-aided modeling/simulation.
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
- “Average Modeling of FACTS Devices” in Dynamics and Control of Large Electric Power Systems, M. Ilic and J. Zaborszky, Chapter 12.4, pp. 622-630, John Wiley, New York, 2000.
Journal Articles
- M. Zhu, D.J. Perreault, V. Caliskan, T.C. Neugebauer, S. Guttowski and J.G. Kassakian, “Design and Evaluation of Feedforward Active Ripple Filters” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 276–285, March 2005.
- D.J. Perreault and V. Caliskan, “Automotive Power Generation and Control” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 618–630, May 2004.
- V. Caliskan, D.J. Perreault, T.M. Jahns and J.G. Kassakian, “Analysis of Three-Phase Rectifiers with Constant Voltage Loads,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Part I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 1220–1225, Septemer 2003.
- T.M. Jahns and V. Caliskan, “Uncontrolled Generator Operation of Interior PM Sychronous Machines Following High-Speed Inverter Shutdown,” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 35, no. 6, pp. 1347–1357, November/December 1999.
- V. Caliskan, G.C. Verghese and A.M. Stankovic, “Multi-Frequency Averaging of DC-DC Converters,”IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 124–133, Januay 1999.
- K. Siri, I. Batarseh, V. Caliskan and P. Kornetzky, “PWM Zero-Voltage Switching Boost-Derived Converters with Output Isolation,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 448–459, May 1996.
- K. Siri, V. Caliskan and C.Q. Lee, “Maximum Power Tracking in Parallel Connected Converter Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 935–945, July 199.
- K. Siri, V. Caliskan and C.Q. Lee, “Peak Power Tracking in Solar-Powered Parallel Conected Converter Systems,” IEE Transactions Part-G: Circuits, Devices and Systems, vol. 140, no. 2, pp. 106–116, April 1993.
- M.A. Morrill, V. Caliskan and C.Q. Lee, “High Frequency Planar Power Transformers,” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 607–613, July 1992.
Notable Honors
2017, Faculty Advising Award, UIC College of Engineering
2016, Faculty Teaching Award, UIC College of Engineering
2015, EEWeb Featured Engineer Spotlight Interview, EEWeb
2012, Silver Circle Award for Excellence, UIC
Sc.D., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2000
M.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Illinois at Chicago, 1993
B.S., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Illinois at Chicago, 1990
Selected Presentations
Conference Articles & Presentations
- V. Caliskan, “Dual/High Voltage Automotive Electrical Power Systems,” IEEE Fox Valley Subsection Meeting, Illinois Institute of Technology, Wheaton, IL, April 21, 2004.
- V. Caliskan and D.J. Perreault, “New Trends in Automotive Power Generation and Control,” 22nd Annual Conference on Properties and Applications of Magnetic Materials, Chicago, IL, May 2003.
- D.J. Perreault and V. Caliskan, “New Design and Control Techniques for Automotive Alternators Utilizing Switched-Mode Rectifiers,” IEEE Workshop on Power Electronics in Transportation, Dearborn, MI, December 2000.
- D.J. Perreault and V. Caliskan, “A New Design for Automotive Alternators,” IEEE-SAE International Conference on Transportation Electronics (Convergence), Detroit, MI, October 2000.
- A.M. Stankovic, P. Mattavelli, V. Caliskan and G.C. Verghese, “Modeling and Analysis of FACTS Devices with Dynamic Phasors,” IEEE Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, pp. 1440–1446, January 2000, Singapore.
- V. Caliskan, D.J. Perreault, T.M. Jahns and J.G. Kassakian, “Analysis of Three-Phase Rectifiers with Constant Voltage Loads,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference ’99, pp. 715–720, June-July 1999, Charleston, SC.
- M. Zhu, D.J. Perreault, V. Caliskan, T.C. Neugebauer, S. Guttowski and J.G. Kassakian, “Design and Evaluation of an Active Ripple Filter with Rogowski-Coil Current Sensing,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference ’99, pp. 874–880, June-July 1999, Charleston, SC.
- V. Caliskan, G.C. Verghese and A.M. Stankovic, “Multi-frequency Averaging of DC-DC Converters,”IEEE 5th Workshop on Computers in Power Electronics, pp. 113–119, Portland, OR, August 1996.
- J. Xu, V. Caliskan and C.Q. Lee, “Transient Time Domain Analysis of Zero-Current Switching Quasi Resonant Converters,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference ’94, pp. 1028–1034, Orlando, FL, February 1994.
- K. Siri, V. Caliskan and I. Batarseh, “Current-Fed Constant Frequency Controlled PWM Converter,”IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference ’94, pp. 150–158, Orlando, FL, February 1994.
- K. Siri, V. Caliskan, C.Q. Lee and G.C. Agarwal, “Peak Power Tracking in Parallel Connected Converter Systems,” 1992 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 1401–1406, Chicago, IL, October 1992.
- V. Caliskan, M.A. Morrill and C.Q. Lee, “High Frequency Power Transformers for Resonant Converters,” 1992 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 453–458, Chicago, IL, October 1992.
- V. Caliskan, R. Liu and C.Q. Lee, AC Analysis of DCDC Resonant Converters,” IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference ’92/, pp. 354–361, Toledo, Spain, June-July 1992.
- V. Caliskan, J.P. Gegner and C.Q. Lee, “Current-Driven Zero-Voltage-Switched Resonant Converter with Capacitive Output Filter: Analysis and Experimental Results,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference ’92, pp. 211–218, Boston, MA, February 1992.
- J.P. Gegner, V. Caliskan and C.Q. Lee, “Improved Characterization of Two ZVS DCDC Resonant Converters Using a Third Order Commutation Network,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference ’92/, pp. 237–244, Boston, MA, February 1992.
- V. Caliskan, S. Sooksatra and C.Q. Lee, “Current Driven Resonant Coupled Full Bridge Zero Voltage Switching Resonant Converter,” High Frequency Power Conversion ’91, pp. 275–281, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 1991.
- M.A. Morrill, V. Caliskan and C.Q. Lee, “High Frequency Wideband Power Transformers,” High Frequency Power Conversion ’91, pp. 116–128, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 1991.
- M.A. Morrill, V. Caliskan and C.Q. Lee, “High Frequency Planar Power Transformers for Resonant Converters,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference ’91, pp. 550–555, Dallas, TX, March 1991.