Benjamin Sanchez Terrones
Visiting Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Building & Room:
SEO 1038
851 S. Morgan, Chicago IL 60607
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My research interest focuses on developing novel digital health technologies and wearables that will enable people to better manage and monitor their health. Wearable bio-sensing technology and other health-monitoring consumer devices are revolutionizing the landscape of healthcare, offering the potential to gather massive new amounts of data to improve our understanding of complex interactions between disease mechanisms and patient population; and to optimize patient outcomes through earlier diagnosis, more accurate predictions, and more personalized treatment. However, in resource-poor environments, these technologies are scarce or not available at all. The lack of inclusive studies in a general population are concerning and they bring attention to the increasing issues in diversity, equity, and inclusion in ongoing research studies. As technology evolves, there remain grand societal challenges to generate individual- and population-level data in an efficient and effective manner that reduces health disparities.
My research program addresses these health challenges by developing and validating novel wearables, devices, and biomarkers suited to meet the individual needs of these populations. Specifically, the technologies I am developing leverage the electrical properties of biological tissues and fluids, which vary depending on the tissue type and its pathological state. My research program aims to gain fundamental mechanistic insights into the biological factors that influence the tissue's electrical behavior and to develop devices applicable in clinical and at-home settings. My research efforts are centered around three interrelated activities to advance the development of bedside medical devices. Firstly, I am developing novel approaches and conducting experiments to elucidate the underlying biophysical electrical mechanisms responsible for tissue alterations in disease conditions. Secondly, I am designing devices capable of accurately assessing and imaging these electrical properties. Lastly, I am deploying these cutting-edge technologies out-of-the-lab and into the real world. These three core research areas collectively contribute to my overarching objective: attaining a comprehensive mechanistic understanding to facilitate the creation of devices tailored to address an increasing healthcare crisis in underprivileged and rural communities. These inequalities contribute to gaps in health insurance coverage, uneven access to services, and poorer health outcomes. My research will provide a well-structured platform to collect valid and reliable health data and an infrastructure for conducting observational and interventional studies while implementing inclusive population research.
Selected Grants
National Science Foundation, CAREER A deep explainable artificial intelligent framework for electrical impedance myography, PI
National Cancer Institute, Electrical impedance dermography as a biomarker for basal and squamous cell carcinoma, PI
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, Links between social safety and health among sexual and gender minorities, MPI
National Cancer Institute, Optimizing OroPharyngeal Cancer SURVIVORship, Site PI
National Science Foundation, Cuffless models to infer blood pressure from bioimpedance, PI
National Cancer Institute, Hypoglossal neuropathy in the pathogenesis of radiation associated dysphagia, MPI
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Development of an needle impedance-electromyography technology for use in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis., PI
Maxim Integrated, Inc, Wearable bioimpedance, PI
Texas Instruments, Inc, Wearable bioimpedance, PI
Selected Publications
EK Brunsgaard, Sanchez B, D Grossman. Electrical Impedance Dermography: Background, Current State, and Emerging Clinical Opportunities. Dermatology Research and Practice 2024 (1), 2085098
Hansen N, Woodman K, Buoy S, Mao S, Lai SY, Fuller D, Hutcheson KA, and Sanchez B. Tongue electrical impedance myography correlates with functional, neurophysiologic, and clinical outcome measures in long-term oropharyngeal cancer survivors with and without hypoglossal neuropathy: an exploratory study. Head & Neck. 2024. 46 (3), 581-591.
Luo X, Shi J, Llobet, Rutkove S, Sanchez B. Electrical impedance myography method of measuring anisotropic tongue tissue. Physiological Measurement 44 (5), 055007, 2023.
Mandeville R, Sanchez B, et al. A scoping review of current and emerging techniques for evaluation of peripheral nerve health, degeneration and regeneration: part 1, neurophysiology. J Neural Eng. 2023, 24, 20 (4)
Ha GB, Steinberg B, Freedman R, Bayes-Luna A, Sanchez B. Safety evaluation of smart scales, smart watches, and smart rings with bioimpedance technology show evidence of potential interference in cardiac implantable electronic devices. Heart Rhythm. 20 (4), 561-571, 2023
L Vela, H Crandall, T Lim, F Zhang, A Gibbs, A R. J. Mitchell, A Condon, L M. Diamond, H Zhang, Sanchez B. IoMT-enabled stress monitoring in a virtual reality environment and at home. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2023, 10 (12), 10649-10661
Wong E, Pandeya S, Crandall H, Smart T, Dixon M, Boucher K, Florell S, Grossman D, B Sanchez. Electrical impedance dermography differentiates squamous cell carcinoma in situ from inflamed seborrheic keratoses. Journal of Investigative Dermatology Innovations, 3 (3), 100194, 2023
Gibbs A, Fitzpatrick M, Lilburn M, Easlea H, Francey J, Funston R, Diven J, Murray S, Mitchell O, Condon A, Mitchell A, Sanchez B, Steinhaus D. A universal, high-performance ECG signal processing engine to reduce clinical burden. Annal of Noninvasive electrocardiography, 27 (5), e12993, 2022
Luo X, Wang S and Sanchez B. Modeling and simulation of needle electrical impedance myography in nonhomogeneous isotropic skeletal muscle. IEEE J Electromagnetics, RF Micro. Med. Biol, 2022, 6(1), 103-110
Andreasen N, Crandall H, Brimhall O, Miller B, Perez-Tamayo J, Martinsen O, Kauwe SK, Sanchez B. Machine learning-based diagnosis of breast cancer and evaluation of therapy effect measuring skin electrical resistance in lymphatic regions. IEEE Access, 2021, 9: 152322–152332
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Professional Leadership
Associate Editor Biomedical Sensors and Wearable Systems, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference
Editorial Board Member, IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology
Associate Editor, Physiological Measurement