Thomas A. Searles
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Building & Room:
1028 SEO
851 S. Morgan St.
Office Phone:
Thomas A. Searles currently serves as an Associate Professor in the Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois Chicago, hired under the University of Illinois System Distinguished Faculty Recruitment Program. This past year (20-21), he was a Martin Luther King Visiting Professor at MIT and served as the Director of the IBM-HBCU Quantum Center. Thomas received his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Rice University in 2011, where his thesis work primarily focused on the magneto-optical properties of carbon nanotubes. Upon his appointment at Howard University in the Fall of 2015, Thomas has established a new research program in applied and materials physics, which now focuses on quantum materials, metamaterials and quantum information science and engineering at UIC. In recognition for his research in light-matter interactions and his capability to train and mentor Black students in Physics and Engineering, Thomas was recently awarded the inaugural AIP-NSBP Joseph A. Johnson Award for Excellence and an NSF CAREER Award. Thomas graduated from Morehouse College with a B.S. in Mathematics and Physics. He is a native of Albany, GA.
Selected Grants
Department of Energy, Center for Co-design Quantum Advantage, Sr. Personnel
National Science Foundation, CAREER, PI
Selected Publications
Armani, A.M., Jackson, C., Searles, T.A. et al. The need to recognize and reward academic service. Nat Rev Mater (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-021-00383-z
PhD in Applied Physics, Rice University, 2011
BS in Physics and Mathematics, Morehouse College, 2005