Devroye named University Scholar
Devroye named University Scholar Heading link

Natahsa Devroye is one of six faculty members who were named a 2023-2024 University Scholar by UIC. This prestigious program is sponsored by the Office of the President and provides recognition of faculty excellence.
According to the announcement, “the three-year award to faculty members who have demonstrated superior performance in scholarly activities in both research and teaching and who show great promise for future achievements.”
Devroye, a professor in the electrical and computer engineering department, joined UIC in 2009. Prior to joining UIC, she was a lecturer at Harvard University, where she earned her doctoral degree. Her research focuses on multi-user information theory and applications to cognitive and software-defined radio, radar, relay, zero-error and two-way, interactive communication networks.
Devroye has received several UIC accolades from the College of Engineering, including the 2012 and 2019 Faculty Advising Award, the 2013 Faculty Award, and the 2011 Faculty Research Award. Also in 2012, Devroye was named a UIC Researcher of the Year in the “Rising Star” category.
Devroye was a recipient of an NSF CAREER award in 2011 and was named UIC’s Researcher of the Year in the “Rising Star” category in 2012. She serves as associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory journal and has served as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, and the IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking. In 2023 she was named an IEEE Fellow. She co-chaired the Women in Information Theory Society from 2015-2018 and was an Information Theory Society Distinguished Lecturer for 2019-2020.
She has brought over 16 NSF grants to UIC, totaling over $11 million, with her share of the grants amounting to over $4 million.
Devroye received her award at the 2023 Faculty Awards Ceremony on October 25.