Apr 1 2022

Quantum materials at the atomic scale


April 1, 2022

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM


Lecture Center C1


1140 S. Morgan St., Chicago, IL 60607

Quantum materials at the atomic scale

Speaker: Adina Luican-Mayer, University of Ottawa

Abstract: Material systems, devices, and circuits, based on the manipulation of individual charges, spins, and photons in solid-state platforms, are key for revolutionary quantum technologies. The burgeoning field of quantum two-dimensional (2D) materials presents an emerging opportunity for breakthroughs in the development of next-generation quantum technologies while also pushing the boundaries of fundamental understanding in condensed matter. Our laboratory aims to create quantum functionality in 2D systems by combining fabrication and assembly techniques of 2D layers with atomically precise scanning probe microscopy.
In this talk, you will learn about three of Luican-Mayer's research directions. They include scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy experiments aimed at elucidating the nature of atomic-scale defects in 2D materials and at creating novel moiré structures by twisting 2D layers, progress in realizing quantum-confined devices in 2D semiconductors, and how her group leverages their expertise in probing and engineering electronic states at surfaces of 2D materials to further the development of graphene-based gas sensors.

Speaker bio: Adina Luican-Mayer is an assistant professor in the Physics Department at the University of Ottawa, since January 2016. She received her undergraduate degree from Jacobs University Bremen in Germany (2006) and her PhD in Physics from Rutgers University (2012). Prior to joining the University of Ottawa, she was the Alexei Abrikosov distinguished postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory. Her research group focuses on uncovering the novel electronic properties of low-dimensional quantum systems using scanning probe microscopy and supporting spectroscopic techniques.

Faculty Host: Mitra Dutta dutta@uic.edu

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ECE Student Affairs

Date posted

Mar 22, 2022

Date updated

Mar 22, 2022