Enhancing Learning and Inclusivity in Electrical Engineering
ECE 595 Department Seminar Series
November 13, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online, https://us.bbcollab.com/collab/ui/session/guest/f8f05b89318145fa93ef9db9406ea05c
Chicago, IL 60706
Download iCal FileEnhancing Learning and Inclusivity in Electrical Engineering
Presenter: Susan M. Lord, University of San Diego
Abstract: How can we educate students to be the most effective engineers when they graduate? What does it take to attract a broader range of students to electrical and computer engineering? What curricular efforts could support both of these goals? These are important questions for the discipline. As part of an NSF-funded Revolutionizing Engineering Departments (RED) grant, “Developing Changemaking Engineers,” the Shiley-Marcos School of Engineering (SMSE) at the University of San Diego (USD) is working to address these questions.
Hear about a study that explores a large, multi-institutional, longitudinal dataset of engineering undergraduates. Hear a description of the type of student who is currently attracted to engineering, and how the field of electrical engineering fares compared to other engineering disciplines. Then, learn of one promising approach to change the demographics of the electrical engineering student body and to increase the learning that happens in the undergraduate curriculum. The approach entails reframing electrical engineering from a purely technical discipline to one which is socio-technical. Modules developed by Lord for Circuits that accomplish this will be presented.
Speaker bio: Susan M. Lord received a BS from Cornell University in materials science and electrical engineering, and both her MS and PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford University. She is currently professor and chair of integrated engineering at the University of San Diego. Lord's research focuses on the study and promotion of diversity in engineering, including student pathways and inclusive teaching. She is co-director of the National Effective Teaching Institute (NETI). Her research has been sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Lord is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and American Society for Engineering Education, and is active in the engineering education community including serving as president of the IEEE Education Society, associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Education (ToE), and associate editor of the Journal of Engineering Education. She is on the USD team implementing “Developing Changemaking Engineers,” an NSF-sponsored Revolutionizing Engineering Education project. Lord received the 2018 IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award.
Faculty host: Renata A. Revelo Alonso, revelo@uic.edu
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Date posted
Nov 12, 2020
Date updated
Nov 17, 2020